We're so happy you were born!
Celebrate the miracle of being YOU with a FREE YOGA class.
Just let the teacher know you are using your birthday class. TREAT YOURSELF!

First 3 Weeks $50
Plus 20% Off Events, Sauna + Healing Arts
I'm so worth it!
Pro Tips for Newbies:
>>> Dress in comfortable layers, we have all the equipment you need.
>>> Arrive a few minutes early to settle in peacefully. ​​
>>> Enter through the back door off the alley. Livery Lot on Michigan street is the closest paid parking.
>>> South and East arms of the Waukazoo and Michigan street intersection is the closest free parking. ​
Self Investment
Monthly Memberships
Monthly Unlimited
Unlimited classes in the studio + online
20% off events, sauna + healing arts
One monthly guest pass
Private session after six months + every six months
Flexible Five
Five classes a month + 50% off additional drop in classes
10% off events, sauna + healing arts
Private session after six months + annually
Online Membership
Unlimited online classes through our FB group

Classes streaming on-line in a private Facebook group + a library of thousands of classes on demand